The Italian national premiere of The Lessons of Survival film by Inna Rogatchi has been organised by the RAI, Italian National TV Broadcast company, at the special event in commemoration of the International Holocaust Day. The Chairman of RAI Monica Maggione has opened the Special Event where gathered many distinguished guests. Co-organisers of the event were Maccabi Italy and Hans Jonas Association. The leading Italian journalists and writers, Pierluigi Battista from Corriere della Serra and Roberto Olla, the editor-in -chief of Rai Storia, were the co-panellists with Dr Inna Rogatchi. The well-known Italian Holocaust survivor Alberto Mieli participated in the event with personal and emotional statement. Among the many distinguished guests, there were former minister for culture and current chairman of MAXXI museum Giovanna Melandri, chairman of the Rome Jewish community Dr Ruth Dureghello, film director Claudio Noce, president of the Italian Football Federation Carlo Tavecchio, president of the Maccabi Italia Vittorio Pavoncella, president of the Hans Jonas Association Tobia Zevi, and many others. The event has been prominently featured in the Italian media in the special reports at Rai 1 TV, and several articles in the leading media.
More about the Italian National premiere of The Lessons of Survival film – at Events pages.