In all her films, Inna Rogatci applies the concept of “the authored documentary film-making” working as the author of her films ‘ideas and concepts, as script-writer and researcher, as director and editor, as the author of the films’ text and it’s narrator. She is also responsible for choice of music for her films, and all other extra visual materials. Inna sees such universal authored approach in makin her films as the way of creating a harmonious outcome when different components of film are smoothly resolved and present in one style.

In her film making, inna works in a genre of ‘metaphorical cinema’ as if talkin to her viewers by creating images, scenes and paces which all are metaphors. This can be described as the favourite creative language of Inna Rogatchi’s films.
Syntethism is a core-element in Innas films’ structure and composition. She believes in mutual enrichment of a film’s narrative its cinematography, music and visual effects created by original art and collages, some of which she creates specificaly for her films. Inna believes that all those mediums – music, visual arts, psychology of a human presense, intelligence of a knowledge – impacting different channels of a human perception, do make deeper, and volume-like impression onto viewers.
For all her films, Inna conducts special historic research on the films’ subjects. Thanks to her scholar background, she believes in a power of a fact, and always is motivated to bring a new knowledge to her viewers.
A human story and an exceptional personality, ‘a portrait’ of an important phenomenon, an essay on historic and spirit, discovery of cultural and artistic gems -those are the main attractions fo Inna Rogatchi in her film-making.
She films her subjects from a close range, literally and metaphorically, believing in a thoughtful camera and a magnetism of sincerety of both the film-maker and her heroes.