Film Testimonials

We were very impressed by the Inna Rogatchi’s film about my father. We were also moved by the atmosphere that Inna was able to create there by her suggestive voice, the emotional music and last but not least by the paintings of Michael Rogatchi which expressed the depth of the tragedy in a very special way” – Paulinka Kreisberg, daughter of Simon and Cyla Wiesenthals, Israel

“My grandmother ( Nina Lagergren, Raoul Wallenberg’s half- sister) and I both have watched Inna Rogatchi’s documentary with great interest, and I did learn a lot! We are very grateful to Inna for that” – Cecilia Ahlberg, great-niece of Raoul Wallenberg, and niece of Nane and Kofi Annan, the former UN General Secretary, the Senior Adviser at the Raoul Wallenberg Academy for the Young LeadersStockholm, Sweden

“Inna Rogatchi’s documentary on Simon Wiesenthal is riveting. The film taught me so much about that incredible man.”
– Varda Yoran, famous American sculptor, the widow of the Jewish hero Shalom Yoram, New York, USA

“The Inna Rogatchi’s new film is a magnificent work, the  stories in it are fantastic, and there is obviously much new material in the documentary”  – Jerrold L. Schecter, renowned American writer and historian.

“A truly wonderful homage to Simon Wiesental’s personality, life and work. So much is told in such a short time” – Maestro Evgeny Kissin, France

The Lessons of Survival is a movie and a document at the same time. The Inna Rogatchi’s film is undoubtedly in category of ‘a primary sources’ for generations to come. It will be an inspiration for those who want to know, to study the Shoah, forever. – Roberto Olla, author and broadcaster, Rome, Italy.

Inna Rogatchi’s film about Simon Wiesenthal causes the intensive reaction. The footage of this remarkable man in such a personal form is really extraordinary. – Alexander E.von Richthofen, German-American producer and film maker, step-son of the leading German anti-Nazi writer and screenwriter Erich Ebermayer.

“Inna Rogatchi’s film is extra-ordinary deep.  It lives by the author’s own quest, not only by that of Simon Wiesenthal’s. Thanks to this film, I better understood the history of the great man that Simon Wiesenthal was. Bravo!.. and thank you, Inna”  – Michael de Saint Cheron,  the one of the leading modern French philosophers, writers and culture figures.

“Inna Rogatchi’s film is the only documentary which I can call as Simon Wiesenthal Unplugged. We all needed the film of that kind and quality on this legendary man badly” – Eddie Tamir, director, Jewish International Film Festival, Melbourne, Australia.

“The Lessons of Survival is a compelling documentary on Nazi hunter Simon Wiesenthal. Inna’s film is a welcome and valued addition to the Shoah filmography,and serves as an important record for generations to come. Highly recommended” – Peter Krausz, leading Australian film critic and member of many FIPRESSI juries, Australia.

“Inna Rogatchi’s unique film about Simon Wiesenthal allows this determined warrior to present an autobiographical sketch and visual self-portrait against the background of the monstrous criminality from which he nearly perished and which he spent his life prosecuting.  The stories about Eichmann and Wallenberg are especially gripping. A must see to understand this man, his cause and his times” – Fritz W. Ermarth, former Chairman of the US National Intelligence Council, the Special Assistant to the President Ronald Reagan.

“I am deeply impressed by the Inna Rogatchi’s film on Simon Wiesenthal, her narrative, and the way she has organised and presented her unique material” – professor Konrad Kwiet, Chief Historian, Sydney Jewish Museum; former Chief Historian, Australian State War Crimes Commission, Sydney, Australia. 

“This is unique document on Simon Wiesenthal preserving and showing his legacy as any other document which had been ever done before in the vast massive on the documentary knowledge existing on the legendary man. In this film, Simon Wiesenthal is talking to us in unparalleled intimacy which is a very special value of the Inna Rogatchi’s highly professional, very interesting and worthy film” – Yigal Molad Hayo, Chief Controller, Claims Conference; former director the general, Jerusalem Film Festival

“The special international collaboration that Inna Rogatchi have created with this film, including Yad Vashem, Columbia and Hebrew Universities, will ensure that more people will gain exposure to the story of the Holocaust survivors, and for that she has my deepest gratitude”– Limor Livnat, M.K., former Minister of Culture, Israel

“The Inna Rogatchi’s new film “Lessons of Survival” is the riveting film documentary on her never-before publicized conversations with the larger-than-life Nazi hunter as well as her own research into fascinating stories and facts about the Holocaust. Inna Rogatchi, too, is larger-than-life, and the noble role filled by the Rogatchi family in so many spheres is an example that is difficult to emulate” -Rochel Sylvetsky, renowned scholar and editor for Israel National News, Israel 

“Inna Rogatchi’s film is very moving. It is beautifully crafted, poetic and deeply affecting.  When one is confronted with a human tragedy of this kind of almost unfathomable scale, it essentially numbs the mind and the heart. Language go on strike, because no words can adequately capture what has transpired.

The abyss of the human heart is deep indeed, but thankfully the spirit can also rise to dizzying heights, overcoming even the most horrendous depravities. I do not know how this is possible – but Wiesenthal’s experience is the best example. He found a way to channel his pain into something that helped humanity to regain its footing, sort of. That gesture in itself is vital (in the truest sense of the word) and deserves the fullest respect.

I think it is also extremely important for the younger generation to understand that Wiesenthal was working in an age without computers or internet. Witnesses could not be questioned by e-mail, every trace took enormous time and effort to follow up. So, his accomplishments should be recognized  in this light as well.” – Susanne Berger, historian, The International Raoul Wallenberg Foundation, USA

“ Inna Rogatchi did succeed in her film about Simon Wiesenthal completely. The film is extremely well done from all and every point of view, professionally and also personally. It is a rare production among the modern documentaries” –Saulis Berzinis, the leading Lithuanian and international cinematographer, the author of many films on the Holocaust

“One gets speechless after seeing this film, and a huge inner work starts immediately for comprehension of the great and palpable testimonies and legacy of the great man. the film is both very creative and stylish, with very delicate and tasteful way of bringing such dramatic material out, for the public domain” – Anatolijus Senderovas, famous composer , Lithuania

“I was deeply touched by Shymon Wiesenthal’s memories which opened a personal and vivid window to the Shoah and its aftermath. There are no special effects, no stunts, no blood or violence; only tranquil images, words and silence between the lines. A reminder for those who might want to forget, a source for those who want to progress by learning from the past. Thank you, Inna Rogatchi. “

Ville Lignell – singer, The Israeli Opera, Landestheater Linz 

“This film conveys an important message. To overcome hatred, to continue the dialogue and to fight the prejudices – I quote the author Inna Rogatchi.  Her film shows the importance of Simon Wiesenthal’s battle, but this testimony also projects hope, humanity and dignity. The film’s author Inna Rogatchi was able to capture emotions in her film. It transmits, continues the combat and contributes to maintaining this so important public discussion. Congratulations for this remarkable work, Inna.” -Risto Piipponen, Ambassador of Finland in France

“Lessons of Survival: Conversations with Simon Wiesenthal is more than an important historical document preserved as cinema. The movie is also an art film, in which the poignant simplicity of a camera contemplating a gas chamber and its environs is accompanied by the mystic complexity of a Bach Contrapunctus, adapted by Israeli composer Israel Sharon” -Dr. Ida Lichter, acclaimed writer, Australia.

“This documentary serves as an excellent introduction to the life and work of Wiesenthal, and it is an important addition to the body of works that provide first person testimonies about the Holocaust.. It is a memorable and inspirational work that highlights ones man fight for survival, and for justice against unspeakable evil”– Boris Segel, The Jewish Eye, USA.

“Inna Rogatchi’s film on Simon Wiesenthal is unique – in the way how all its elements are working together to bring to us the author’s message. The tone of the Simon Wiesenthal’s wise and quiet talk gets in a rare harmony with the tone of the Inna’s own narrative; the music comes as if continuing the speech from the screen, but also underlining it and the visual ‘talk’ of the screen in the Inna’s footage; the Michael Rogatchi’s extra-ordinary paintings on the Holocaust are evoking yet another level of our perception of the matters which are, frankly, beyond our capacities to comprehend the horror occurred and inflicted during the Holocaust. And all this together works a wonder very deep down our mind and soul”  – Pirkko Työläjärvi, Dr Phil Emeritus, former governor of the Turku region, famous political and public figure, Finland 

“This film is timeless. It is an extra-ordinary human document for all times” – H.E. Ambassador Harri Mäki-Reinikka, Ambassador of Finland to Lithuania

“This film has to be shown at every household all around the world. It speaks volumes on the most important matters for our consciousness, and it does it in elegant and masterful way” – Dr Petras Austrevicius, Member of the European Parliament

“It is extremely important to have this film and to be shown it to the people at the time when Europe find itself in such very serious and daring situation with regard to racism, xenophobia and anti-Semitism as we are witnessing it today” – Baroness Ludford, former Member of the European Parliament

“We all are very lucky that Inna happened to be such a good friend with great Simon Wiesenthal. She did manage brilliantly to bring him alive to all of us, decade after his death. This is the one of the best testimonies of the crucial moment of the mankind’s history that I have ever seen” – Dr Emmanuelis Zingeris, member of the Seimas of the Lithuania, chairman, the Foreign Affairs Committee; vice president of the Parliament Assembly of the Council of Europe

“I am especially glad that Inna’s film on Simon Wiesenthal, whom I also knew personally, is shown all around the world. This film is a result of many years of Inna’s work, and it does poses several very important things onto all of us to think about. It is serious and important work which I do appreciate very much, indeed” – Dan Ashbel, Ambassador of Israel to Finland and Estonia

“Inna Rogatchi’sfilm shows in a great way what kind of man Simon Wiesenthal was. He was the rock not only among Jews, not only among survivors, but among all of us. He was the man who was not afraid and who did remember. He was also the man who acted on behalf of all those who had not such a possibility being exterminated en masse. This film is a great testimony of the Simon Wiesenthal’s legacy” – Professor Irene Veisaite, the Holocaust survivor, the Thomas Mann Centre, Lithuania

“The film by Dr Rogatchi is indisputably very important for several generations, each for its own reasons. It teaches humanism, and it is also breath it” H.E. Dr Elisabeth Kehrer, Ambassador of Austria to Finland

“In Israel, Simon Wiesenthal is seeing as a living legend. He was the man who did return dignity to the Jews after the Holocaust. On behalf of the people of Israel, I do thank Inna Rogatchi for this wonderful and very important film”– Ben Bourgel, Deputy Head of the Mission of Israel to the EU, Brussels, the European Union

“In her film, Dr Rogatchi succeeded brilliantly in bringing out the great work by Simon Wiesenthal on the issues of vital importance in our history” –Hannu Takkula, Member of European Parliament

“This film on Simon Wiesenthal, the one of the most outstanding public figures in Austria, is making path in thinking and consideration, in moral quest, straight to our day, when it is still so very important for each of us to keep the moral balance right. The film is invaluable, in this respect” – H.E. Johann Spitzer, Ambassador of Austria to Lithuania

“This is extremely important film opening a new horizon and the new level of awareness to us”  –Sari Essayah,  former Member of the European Parliament

“Inna Rogatchi’s film is very interesting and very important. We will try to make sure that all members of the European Parliament will be watching it, to learn the essential lessons of humanity from it” – Marek Siwiec, former Member of the European Parliament, chairman, The European Friends of Israel

“I have learned a lot by watching Inna Rogatchi’s film on Simon Wiesenthal. It bring the great man very close to us, and it makes us to see the absolutely tragic events of the Holocaust from a personal, highly humanistic point of view. This is extremely valuable contribution into our knowledge and understanding of the very nature of the Holocaust, and I am congratulating Dr Rogatchi with such tremendous achievement” –H.E. Emilio Fernandes-Castano, Ambassador of Spain to Lithuania, formerly twice deputy foreign minister of Spain

“Inna Rogatchi’s film gives space to the exiting story and compelling character of Simon Wiesenthal. It focuses on him and is able to present, with all subtlety of effects, his lifetime work as an exciting drama. Thess sixty minutes opens a story bigger than a man´s life, and in its plain way it is most communicative” –Matti Saarinen, Chairman, Kreab Gavin Anderson

“This is beautifully done documentary. I would not have skills or vision to put the material in this shape as Inna did it” – late Peter von Bagh, who was the leading Scandinavian and European cinematographer

“This film should be seen by everyone” – Jarkko Arjatsalo, founder of The Leonard Cohen Files, chairman of The Leonard Cohen Files & Club World-Wide

“This is a great film. It shows unique memories of unique person, and brings the living memory of the Holocaust and also promoted the Holocaust remembrance world-wide” – Ronaldas Rasinskas, executive director, International Commission for the Evaluation of the Crimes of the Nazi and Soviet Occupation Regimes in Lithuania.

“Inna Rogatchi has created a very powerful ‘instrument’ to fight the modern day’s anti-semitism” – provost Juhani Peltonen, Chairman, the Finnish Karmel Society

“Inna’s film is a very convincing proof of a relatively of time. It did succeed to the great degree in demonstrating the very discreetness of time. It brings out the events that had happened 70 years ago as they are happening right now. In this unique way, our perception of history is real, emotional and the most deep” – Dr Zilvinas Beliauskas, director, the Vilnius Public Jewish Library

“The author as if creates a warm embrace around the Simon Wiesenthal legacy which he shares with all of us in this film”  –Maija-Liisa Marton, director and actress, Hon. Dr. of Arts, the Shedonadah University, Virginia, USA

“In her film on Simon Wiesenthal and her other projects, Inna Rogatchi is continuously doing truly holly work for entire Jewish people for many generations ahead” –Rabbi Efraim Shmuel Kot, the Chief Rabbi of Estonia