The US Premiere of The Lessons of Survival

Inna Rogatchi’s The Lessons of Survival Film had its US National Premiere at the Illinois Holocaust Museum & Educational Centre at the special event in Chicago. The Film had concluded the Faces of Humanity Film Series which had been co-organised by the Chicago Festival of the Israeli Cinema and the Illinois Holocaust Museum. ​The leadership of the Illinois branch of the Simon Wiesenthal Centre had been participating in the event, as well.To mark the US National Premiere of the film, Inna Rogatchi was invited to give a lecture The Lessons of Survival: The Lessons of Courage and Humanity. The US National Premiere of The Lessons of Survival was a big success, with public asking many questions of both historical and current character.   Inna Rogatchi has been awarded a Special Honorable Diploma by the Chicago Film Festival and the Illinois Holocaust Museum for her ‘ contribution into the Holocaut education world-wide’.